Info: Minions

Profit Calculator - Find the best minions to place down while you are offline!

It calculates the profit generated by each minion.

What's so special is that it allows you to fully personalize its elements to become your own minion tier list based on your profile, which includes minion tiers, the form of products (even in e-block form!), whether or not diamond spreadings are equipped, and more.

It also calculates the profit based on bazaar prices directly obtained from the Hypixel API, so the prices are up-to-date.

To use the new minion calculator, you could either type in your name and offline duration right on the homepage or go to the minions page if you would like to change some settings. (e.g. fuel/ diamond spreading)


  1. Settings Explained
  2. Table Columns Explained
  3. Algorithm
  4. Disclaimer
  5. FAQ

Settings Explained

TL;DR: Default settings should be suitable for most of you. In my opinion, your Minecraft name is the most crucial piece of information to make the calculator useful for you, but it is down to personal preference. If you prefer not to, there are alternative estimation methods including Estimate by number of minion slots and Manually choose tier.

Why is my Minecraft name required?

If you enter your Minecraft name, it will calculate the profit based on the highest tier of the minion you have crafted. It could make the profit list more personalized and useful when finding the most profitable minions among those you have.

Estimate by number of minion slots

Please note that this is not the minions you have. 23 is the default value as I think that is what some late game players may have.

It is an estimation of the minions they have for people who do not want to put their names in. Assuming you craft the minions in ascending order of costs until you have enough unique minions to unlock the minion slot you specified.

The aim is to exclude exceptionally expensive minions like Voidling Tier 11. However, if you want to get the most out of the calculator, you are advised to enter your Minecraft name so that it can obtain the exact minions you have.

Please note that it is just an ESTIMATE of the minions you have, the minions you have could be quite different because you might not be buying them in order, and the cost of the minions depends on the market price of materials.

Manually choose tier

All minions would have the chosen tier. If you would like to change the tier of specific minions, you can go to individual settings.

Fuel/ other perks

Write down the boosts you have in a percentage. They include the minion fuel slot, beacons etc.. I do not plan on letting you select specific fuel or perks on this website directly because there are so many choices.

Offline time

It calculates the profit based on your frequency of collecting minions. For example, lapis minions could be a good minion for active players, who collect enchanted lapis before they are automatically converted into enchanted lapis blocks (selling enchanted lapis is more profitable than selling enchanted lapis blocks), but not for those who are less active.

Although offline time is important in some special scenarios, you could leave it as 1 day if your offline time is not consistent/ you are not sure about your offline time.

Diamond Spreading

A minion upgrade that makes the minion generates 1 diamond for every 10 items produced as a bonus, hence increasing the profit significantly for some of the minions, such as snow minions. You could refer to the Skyblock wiki for more information.

Different compactors


A minion upgrade for early game players which compacts items into their block form. This only works for certain minions like diamond minions and emerald minions. It increases the minion storage.

It is normal that the calculator recommends selling the items in the enchanted form rather than the base form, as the enchanted forms may sell more than the base form. You could always convert the product blocks into their respective enchanted form. Alternatively, you could also change the product blocks back into their base form and sell them to the bazaar for most of the product blocks. You could refer to the Skyblock wiki for more information.

Super Compactor 3000

A minion upgrade for mid- to late game players which compacts items into their enchanted form. You cannot covert the enchanted items back to original items, therefore, it may affect the total profit. The calculator would take this factor into account and calculate the profit accurately. You could refer to the Skyblock wiki for more information.

Dwarven Super Compactor

It is a super compactor 3000 and a super smelter all-in-one. It allows more minions, such as iron minion, to equip diamond spreading and increase their profits as a result. You could refer to the Skyblock wiki for more information.

No crafting

Will only appear if "None/ Compactor" is selected. If this is checked, it would only use calculate the profit assuming you sell everything at their base form. Otherwise, it would check if the enchanted forms have a higher selling price than the base form.

Selling to

It will return the maximum of NPC and bazaar prices if "Max Profit" is selected. (NPC) would be printed next to the item unit price when you are advised to sell the specific item to the NPC.

Otherwise, it would not consider bazaar prices but only consider NPC prices if "NPC only" is selected. It is useful for ironman players and when the Hypixel API is down. (It is the only way you could view the calculator when the API is down without an error)

Show raw data button and details

If this option is checked, an info button on the rightmost side of the minion table in the minions page, containing all the raw data about the minions. If you spot any incorrect data in the info section, please contact me here. You could verify the data with Hypixel Wiki or your own experience in Skyblock.

It would show numbers rounded to one decimal place instead of rounding to three significant figures for large numbers.

Lesser Soulflow Engine

Copied from Skyblock Wiki:

The Lesser Soulflow Engine can be used as a minion upgrade. When it is added to a minion, its output will be reduced by 50%. Every 3.6 minutes (220 seconds), it will produce 1x Raw Soulflow. This production rate is unaffected by minion speed, minion Crystals nor Minion Fuel. Minions containing a Lesser Soulflow Engine will have purple particles above them.

The Lesser Soulflow Engine requires Enderman Slayer level 2 to use.

For easy implementation, when the Lesser Soulflow Engine checkbox is checked:

Selling method in bazaar

Copied from Hypixel Forums:

Typically, creating buy and sell orders allow players to buy items at a lower price and sell items at a higher price. However, as a player would have to instantly buy/sell the item for the order to be filled, buy/sell orders tend to take longer to fill up.

Tax in bazaar

The bazaar has a tax rate of 1.25% by default. The community center upgrade Bazaar Flipper can bring it down to 1.125% for free-to-play players, and a further decrease to 1% if you spend gems.

Table Columns Explained

Minion (Total Profit for 1 minion for (offline time))

Name of the minion, the number in brackets means the total profit you can get if you put down one minion of that kind for the period you specified in offline duration.


Tier of minion (determined by the tier selection settings you have chosen)

Minion Upgrades

Minion Upgrades that you need to have on the minion to obtain the profit. (determined by the settings on Diamond Spreading and Compactors)

Each minion can only have 2 upgrades at a time.


Items that the minion would drop


Quantity of the items that the minion would drop

Unit Price

Price per item when you sold it to the bazaar (if not specified) or to the NPC (if (NPC) is printed next to unit price)

Total Profit

Total Profit = sum of all products(quantity * unit price)

Total profit you can get if you put down one minion of that kind for the period you specified in offline duration.

Profit Per Hour

Profit Per Hour = Total profit / offline duration


It calculates the profit based on your frequency of collecting minions. For example, lapis minions could be a good minion for active players, who collect enchanted lapis before they are automatically converted into enchanted lapis blocks (selling enchanted lapis is more profitable than selling enchanted lapis blocks), but not for those who are less active.

It generally follows this formula:

sum of all products(offline duration(in hours)*3600/time between actions(in seconds)/2 (due to offline)*generated per time*(1+fuel(in %)/100)*max possible price)


As more people are using my website, I would like to explain more about how the minion profit calculator works and its limitations.

Please note that the minion profit calculator calculates based on the instantaneous price of the items sold at the bazaar, so the prices may fluctuate a lot from time to time, and so do the minions profit (as we all know the economy of Skyblock is quite unstable). The "best minion" for money may not be the same some time later. I hope you all understand this uncertainty.

Overall speaking, snow minions and clay minions are the most stable for profit as their profits do not depend on the economy. If you would like to explore other relatively stable alternatives you may watch ModernSoldier's video for more advice.


Q: Why is minion storage not accounted for in the minions calculator?

A: To my knowledge, the minion storage are not that consistent especially when extra storage nd compactors are involved. It may in the future but it requires testing and development time. Therefore, I have not taken minion storage into consideration when calculating the number of items generated currently.

Q: Is the "Estimate by number of minion slots" the minion slots I have?

A: No, this is not the minions you have. 23 is the default value as I think that is what some late game players may have.

It is an estimation of the minions they have for people who do not want to put their names in. Assuming you craft the minions in ascending order of costs until you have enough unique minions to unlock the minion slot you specified.

The aim is to exclude exceptionally expensive minions like Voidling Tier 11. However, if you want to get the most out of the calculator, you are advised to enter your Minecraft name so that it can obtain the exact minions you have.

Q: I am an ironman mode player, how can I get NPC prices only?

A: There is a "Selling to" setting in the advanced section of the settings, you could change it to "NPC". Alternatively, you could use this link to have it set automatically.

Q: How often does this website refresh?

A: There is no database system associated with the website, so it would refresh as long as Hypixel API refreshes.

Feel free to contact me if you do not understand anything.